Yemen Ohid

Economic empowerment project for the most vulnerable groups

Project Name :

Better reality
Name of beneficiaries: Om Samer

Donor : Kifah Charitable and Developmental Foundation

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From the capital secretariat - Shu'ub District - Umm Samer talks about the bitterness and difficulty of life in being a mother and a single widow without a breadwinner. She lives in a small room in a popular neighborhood and works in cleaning houses to cover her child's expenses, including clothing, food, water, and rent. Umm Samer says that she is sometimes forced to do hard work. I am exhausted cleaning shops and homes in order to cover my living expenses. Thanks to the interventions of the Yemen Ohid Organization within the protection and livelihood projects, the organization set up a kiosk of accessories and cosmetics Handing it over to her, she says that this project has greatly helped her in alleviating the difficult living conditions that she and her child were experiencing. She describes her previous situation as suffering and the pressure of hard work. Currently, she has left working at home and this project has become her main source of income. This project has helped Umm Samer build a sustainable and independent source of income and she has become Able to bear the responsibility of securing her needs and the needs of her child and providing a better environment for them. Yemen Ohid aims to empower women and children to have a dignified, safe, and self-sustainable life and to combat gender-based violence and discrimination.